Rethinking Performance

The traditional funnel has collapsed. Data driven marketing is a prerequisite for success in today's competitive landscape.
Strategizing with brands of all sizes
driving top line revenue with messaging
No matter the size of your current organization, I'll put you on a path to unlocking more revenue through more effective communications.
Ready To Accelerate Sales?
Activate your brand’s potential. And your audience’s.

Performance-Obsessive Marketing Solutions

Omni-channel Growth Modeling
Let your historical data work for you. Discover your top performing and most efficient channels to create a scalable growth model for internal alignment on strategy and for fundraising purposes.
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Customer journey implentation
Re-engage and automate your messaging to re-engage your customers based on your customer journey with highly
personalized email campaigns.
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Lead scoring & personalization
Use your historical data to discover which leads are of most value to to determine your segmentation and email strategy to maximize
the chances of conversion
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An Unrivaled Passion For Conversion

Engagement Testing At The Forefront

Every brand is different, which means, every test  yields different results and thus different learnings. Whether the differentiating variable is in the subject line of an email, the offer type, or even your website itself, thoughtful and strategic testing allows brands to discover which messaging strategies resonate, engage, and convert best with your unique audience. Over time, these learnings result in a compounded lift in revenue.

Learn More About Conversion Rate Optimization

Where Finance Meets Marketing

With a strong background in finance and growth modeling, my approach revolves around optimizing your returns across your top performing channels. Using your compounded monthly growth rates of each channel, I discover which channels have the best chances of providing the highest levels of returns in the future by creating an omni-channel forecast

More than just marketing consulting

Hyper Focused On Early Staged Companies

investor friendly marketing Initiatives
Regardless of which round of funding your company is going through, my data driven omni-channel strategies use your historical raw data and conversion metrics to discover which channels need to be capitalized on and how to best allocate potential funds
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A Unique Passion For Synergizing Data With Results

Stop blending in with the rest of the crowd and start leaving your mark on the web.

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