Customer Journey Automation

Send Highly Personalized Messages At Just The Right Time

Re-Engage Your Customers

Strategically Send Automated Messages To Your Customers

Segmenting Based on Engagement
The success of any marketing strategy starts with determining who is currently most engaged. Typically, you need to start with a top-down approach where you identify your buyers and non-buyers. From there, you can begin to create an automated win-back strategy. After some initial testing, you can then tailor your strategy even further based on the time of the most recent engagement and engagement type
Content Creation
Once we have determined the list size for each cohort, we can then begin to craft a highly personalized copy to speak to the user’s location in the buyer’s journey increase the chances of re-engagement and conversion.
Cadence Setting & Implementation
The last step is to optimize the cadence of the event-based mailings. After an initial cadence has been implemented, the triggers should be adjusted based on various efficiency metrics such as eCPM. Using efficiency ratios allows us to adjust our strategy to be more aggressive or conservative. 
Strategy implementation

Data-Driven Strategies That Stand The Test of Time

How I Do It:

Raw-Data Analyses

The first step in creating an omni-channel strategy starts with raw data extraction and assessment. After discovering which channels perform the most efficiently from a return stand point, an initial strategy can be then drafted to capatalize on past learnings.


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