Marketing Strategy & Growth Modeling

Whether your pitching investors or your team, let the numbers Share your vision

Strategy implementation

Data-Driven Strategies That Stand The Test of Time

How I do It
Determining Break-Even Metrics
The first step in creating a marketing strategy is to discover the break-even cost/conversion. Then, we are able to discuss what kind of return is desired and realistic.
Raw Data Analyses
The second step in creating an omnichannel strategy starts with raw data extraction and assessment. Once we have discovered how users convert across each channel, we can then begin to prioritize our channels based on conversion efficiency. After discovering which channels perform the most efficiently from a return standpoint, we can then draft a growth strategy/forecast.
Forecast Creation
The first step in creating the actual forecast is to get a baseline on your future marketing budget. Then, we allocate the budget to channels based on channel efficiency. Using the historical compounded growth rate, we can then forecast the number of customers we can expect to generate based on our expected conversion rate for each respective channel and how many incremental impressions we expect to generate.
Strategy implementation

Data-Driven Strategies That Stand The Test of Time

How I Do It:

Raw-Data Analyses

The first step in creating an omni-channel strategy starts with raw data extraction and assessment. After discovering which channels perform the most efficiently from a return stand point, an initial strategy can be then drafted to capatalize on past learnings.


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